Tuesday, August 7th – Day +78

Hi Everyone,

I called Mike tonight and he did pretty good today.  He said that his doc from the cancer clinic was kindof riding him about his progress, but his nurse said that he was doing pretty good and to just keep working.  I met the doc he’s talking about and he has a very dry personality.  I told Mike that he needs to do what he can and what the therapists expect of him.  Mike knows how important it is not to blow the chance of staying on the Rehab floor so he is trying. 

I am going to see both him and Mom tomorrow.  I need to pick up clothes for Mike since he has to dress everyday to go to his therapy sessions.  I kind of forgot that we didn’t take much with us and that no one does his laundry.  So, tomorrow he’ll have some new things to wear!!!

I know that he’ll be in for some time yet because it is going to be a long haul for him to get his strength back but if he can stay with the program it will happen.  I know that he is receiving cards and encouragements from all of you.  He had a friend visit last night and he said they had a great talk.  This is what he needs – knowing all the support he has out there praying for him daily.

Thanks so much and I’ll report tomorrow night after I see him in person.  Oh, Mom is doing really well.  She was walking back to her room this afternoon and that is great.

love, Ann

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