Donations & Gifts
Donations for Mike’s Cancer Treatment*
We are no longer in need of gifts, Thank You.
Thank you for reading this and keeping Mike in your thoughts and prayers. Many people have already contacted us regarding donations for Mike. Mike’s prescription drugs are not covered by his health insurance. These costs are estimated to be thousands of dollars per month for the next several months so we have set up a special account for Mike. PayPal is also available for credit card donations.
Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Checks may be sent to Mike’s sister Ann:
payable to: Margaret A. Frechen, memo: Donation for Mike
Ann Frechen
13820 Kinley Road
Fowler, MI 48835
Checks may also be made payable to: Richard A. Kagerer, Jr.
and given to Rick.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
The Kagerer Family
*Unfortunately Mike is not a tax deductable charity with the IRS. These gifts do not qualify for tax deductable status.