Tuesday, September 4th – Day +106

Hi Everyone,

Well, Bruce (my husband) talked to Mike tonight and he hadn’t had a good day.  I called earlier and he was busy with his docs and they were working on his bladder issues again.  So, I couldn’t talk to him and I had a meeting tonight so Bruce called him.  Mike didn’t have much to say because he was tired from everything that had gone on during the day.  Bruce reminded him that I would see him tomorrow.  So, I’ll blog tomorrow night and hopefully will have something positive to say about Mike’s situation.

My mom, on the other hand, went to her home today for a home visit with her therapist.  It went very well.  She even was on IM with our brother Joe in California!!  Pretty cool huh?  Our friend Sue took her to her home and then took mom out to her own home to see her new kitchen before taking her back to Fostrian.  When I talked to mom tonight she sounded good about the visit home.  She is apprehensive but I’m sure that she’ll be fine.  I think she was glad to see her place again.

Well, thanks for all the prayers.  I’ll see both Mom and Mike tomorrow so I’ll keep you posted!

love, Ann

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